Friday, April 15, 2011

Water Disasters

Water can be our best friend but water is also our worst enemy. We hope for lots water during droughts and wish the water to go away during floods. Disasters such as the tsunami and the melting of ice in the North Pole are also devastating as they will crush the future of humanity. 
Malaysia had suffered much from floods and droughts. Malaysia also suffered once from the 26 December 2004 tsunami as Penang was hit. Casualties were minor as Malaysia is lucky enough as the most of the disaster was blocked by the islands of Indonesia.
The most frequent phenomenon happening in Malaysia is flood. Malaysia suffered frequent floods due to

  • natural result of cyclical monsoons during the local topical wet season
  • inadequate drainage 
  • global warming effect

On the other hand, droughts as you all know is the lack of rain. The land is barren and covered in thin dust.
Malaysia always has enough rain so the problem of drought from rain is out of the question. Instead the drought in Malaysia were caused by deforestation, dams and the  El Nino weather phenomenon such as the one drought caused by the El Nino weather phenomenon in August 2001. This completely caught authorities unprepared, swiftly depleted water reserves and left nearly 2 million people in Kuala Lumpur and its suburbs without running water for days at a stretch.

I guess all of us know what a tsunami is. A devastating tidal wave that sweeps all in it's path. An example was the recently Sendai Tsunami which costs the Japanese half of their finance. Tsunamis are a frequent occurrence in Japan; approximately 195 events have been recorded. We were lucky that our country Malaysia do not have much of this phenomenon.

Last but not least we go to the melting of ice of the North Pole.

The first picture shows the ice in the North Pole in 20th century while the 2nd picture shows the ice in the 21st century. Any differences? As you all see, the North Pole's ice is gradually decreasing due to the effect of global warming. Where does those ice gone to? Yes, they had all turned into water and guess what does the water has in for us? Ya... MORE FLOOD!!!